The Holiday Catalog is coming!
Demonstrators can view the PDF on July 23rd on the Stampin’ UP! Website.
Do you want to have your best Holiday Season Ever?
I have the following class available that kicks off July 25th.
What will the class cover
Wise Investing in the Holiday Catalog
Holiday Catalog Product Shares
Meeting New Customers with this catalog
Using the Catalog as a Business Tool
Generating Social Media Engagement
Class Ideas
Dealing with the “what if they run out, go on back order” angst
Team Support
Doing Catalog “tours”
FB Live Video Ideas
Mock Team FB Training Party to participate in
Mock Virtual Customer Party to participate in
How will the class be taught
Class will be housed in a facebook group making the class
*Accessible globally
*Accessible on your time
*Accessible from multiple devices
*Materials available to be viewed over and over for one year
Class will be housed in a facebook group allowing for questions/dialogue/networking and sharing
Class will be taught using facebook live videos, graphics, posts,traditional videos,challenges and sharing.
Class officially Kicks of July 25th.
Investment in your business is $19.99 or FREE.
This class is FREE to those taking my Building a Business Class.
Join my “never ending” Building a Business class with access to all the past materials (several years) and new materials posted each month.
*This class includes great video scenarios for earning the incentive trip and so much more.
Investment in the Building a Business class is $59.99 and includes access as mentioned above, future class discounts & savings and includes the current Holiday catalog class as well.
Members of both classes are invited to participate in our Tutorial Coop Each month.
Contact me to register today
Contact me for registration links today
**IF you are one of my team members my trainings are always free as an extension of my support as your upline.
contact me for class links today.
Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator
Let me continue to help you beyond this post.
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Please would you send me details of how to register for the HOLIDAY CLASS & BUILDING A BUSINESS – $59.99