I love clever packaging and these Merry Cafe & Celebrate You projects are perfect for clever packaging.
Both feature the same easel stand up box and both use 5 Test Tube Treat Holders.
Check out the video to see how quick and easy these are and the best part you can actually mail in a standard A-2 Envelope with a little extra postage depending on what you fill the test tubes.
Remember the test tubes are plastic making them easy to mail.
Celebrate You – create a fun party to go with this ideas. Sprinkles, birthday ballon, candles, gift and chocolate!
And for you coffee loving friends how about a sampling of coffee flavors, instant coffees or fun toppings for their coffee.
HAPPY OCTOBER – Don’t Forget
.1. Shop with my Hostess Code – WZAXKRSQ when shopping in my ONLINE STORE to receive a free gift of Black Rhinestones from me (any size order)
2. Amazing month to join Stampin’ UP! – Choose new Stampin’ Blends, 15% off stamps and/or Designer papers in your kit – details HERE
Freakishly cute! Thanks so much for the tutorial, Janet!
you are welcome.