Our semi- annual RemARKably Hot Retreat is this weekend. 4 days of rubberstamping, scrapbooking, cardmaking, crafting ,dital crafty and overal creativity. So fun.
This time our theme is GLAMPING and it’s been fun planning it and executing and now enjoying it. I love theme parties.
For this tents I used PCV pieces to create tent poles and bed tents. We wrapped the poes with a little tulle for a more festive touch.
The beauty of PVC is the same bases were bases for our football goal posts in the fall. With the connectors, corner p ieces and angled connectors it is so easy to reconfigure the PCV into new ways. We used some of the lengths for photo booths and more.
Stay tuned for more on our fall RhR (RemARKably Hot Retreat) coming October 2014 and check back over the next few days as we share more theme related fun as well as our p rojects and just retreat fun.