Here is a fun tip given to me by teammember Donna Schafer.
TIP – First because of how well the photopolymer stamps stick you can shape like I did with this banner here. instead of having it go straight across i was able to position it as seen.
TIP On the flip side I positioned the letters I want to stamp inside the pennant – perfectly lined up.
TIP BUY MORE THAN ONE – At just $14.95 buy more than one and you can be lazy .. each set only has 1 of each letter so if you want to write a word that has 2 e’s 2 T’2 Ls, etc. by putting all the letters on the block at once as i did above instead of stamping each letter one at time . Buy 2. They easily fit in a clear case.
TIP – this set is perfect with the new THIS & THAT Product Line.
I love the new photopolymer stamps, and this set is awesome!! I just used it with the chalk board technique, and was able to use the large block to get all the stamps I needed on one block. However, I also wanted to do the same thing you show with putting the letters inside the flags. Well, that didn’t work because I had 2 different heights to stamp — DAH!! Never thought about flipping the block over!! Thank you so much Janet for always having such awesome tips — and you are right, I need to get another one for the alpha, numbers, and to make double banners. The price on this set is awesome!!
Not my idea just paying it forward. Good thing it we never run out of chances to stamp or to put new ideas and tips to use.