Do you love to make handmade greeting cards? Then My Digital Studio is perfect for you. Now that My Digital Studio is just $ fo19.95r over $500 in downloads it’s the perfect tool to use to create handmade greeting cards. Priced less than some greeting sets that limit you to just the verses & sentiments in them with My Digital Studio you will have the ability to
1. Use verses/greetings from any stamp brush, digital kit you download
2. Enlarge or reduce the size of the greeting
3. Crop single lines or words from the greeting
4. Color the greetings – single color, multiple color, color match
5. Create a custom greeting using our text design center and fonts on your computer
What are you waiting for add My Digital Studio to your crafting tool kit today. I am here to help in any way you need. No computer experience needed just a desire to expand wha you can say on a card and in a card.