Free tutorials with my newsletter ✨

For the month of October my hostesses and customers will receive the following gift. All details are included in the October RemARKably Created Newsletter.

It’s a Spritzer filled with Stampin’ Mist. I love our new spritzers and thought this was a great way for you my hostesses and  customers to experience them. The powerful fine mist is perfect for so many applications.

I will also be featuring these Stampin’ Misters at classes and hostess events and will be giving them away as door prizes and additional hostess perks as part of my monthly RemARKable Hostess Challenge.

I still have openings at class and a few dates for hostess events and of course can always provide you with a  Hostess Event in a box or you can qualify as a Hostess with your own purchase of $150 or more.

Contact me asap to register, schedule or request today –

For RemARKables and fellow demonstrators ideas like this will be part of a special display feature hostess and customer appreciation ideas at our NOVEMBER 10th training.


Crafting Joy


Crafting Joy,

Janet Wakeland

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator

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